

Due to the Object Oriented nature of SVG.js, objects/prototypes can be extended on any level. Furtermore all SVG.js classes can be subclassed to create custom elements.


SVG.js has a modular structure. It is very easy to add your own methods at different levels. Let's say we want to add a method to all shape types then we would add our method to SVG.Shape:

SVG.extend(SVG.Shape, {
  paintRed: function() {
    return this.fill('red')

Now all shapes will have the paintRed() method available. Say we want to have the paintRed() method on an ellipse apply a slightly different colour:

SVG.extend(SVG.Ellipse, {
  paintRed: function() {
    return this.fill('orangered')

The complete inheritance stack for SVG.Ellipse is:

SVG.Base> SVG.EventTarget > SVG.Dom > SVG.Element > SVG.Shape > SVG.Ellipse

The SVG document can be extended by using:

SVG.extend(SVG.Svg, {
  paintAllPink: function() {
    this.each(function() {

You can also extend multiple elements at once:

SVG.extend([SVG.Ellipse, SVG.Path, SVG.Polygon], {
  paintRed: function() {
    return this.fill('orangered')


Creating your own custom elements with SVG.js is a piece of cake thanks to subclassing. For the sake of this example, lets "invent" a shape. We want a rect with rounded corners that are always proportional to the height of the element. The new shape lives in the SVG namespace and is called Rounded. Here is how we achieve that.

SVG.Rounded = class extends SVG.Rect{
  // Create method to proportionally scale the rounded corners
  size: function(width, height) {
    return this.attr({
      width:  width
    , height: height
    , rx:     height / 5
    , ry:     height / 5

// Add a method to create a rounded rect
SVG.extend(SVG.Container,  {
  // Create a rounded element
  rounded: function(width, height) {
    return this.put(new SVG.Rounded).size(width, height)

To create the element in your drawing:

var rounded = draw.rounded(200, 100)

That's it, the invention is now ready to be used!

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